Blog categorized as Kit Reviews

DryRobe Alternatives for Open Water Swimming

Keeping warm is obviously one of the most critical parts of outdoor swimming and this includes out of the water just as much as in.

Take one look at any group of outdoor swimmers and you will instantly notice they pretty much all wear the same thing on land... a DryRobe or DryRobe style coat.

The DryR...

DryRobe Review
DryRobes are all the rage in outdoor swimming circles these days, but are they worth the high price tag?
Kit Review - Above Below RuckRaft for Swimming and Trekking
The RuckRaft is a purpose made swimtrkking float designed to carry your hiking gear
Kit Review: Vibram 5 Fingers V-Alpha Shoes
Vibram five finger trail running shoes make great swimrunning shoes
Gear Review - Head Swimrun Wetsuit

I didn't even know that Head - you know, the guys who make all the tennis gear - made wetsuits to until I started getting more and more interested in swimrunning and followed the European swimrunning groups - Head are prime sponsors in many of the events and make a range of swimrunning gear. I decid...

What Wetsuit Should I Get for Swimrunning

Quite a few people have been asking me recently about swimrun wetsuits and which one would be best.

Swim running is a new sport and the kit is evolving year-by-year but there are definitely some key differences between the standard triathlon wetsuit and a swimrun wetsuit, which are important consider...

How Cold?

We're always being asked how cold the sea is!  In truth you do get to assess it pretty accurately the more you go in the sea, but there are a number of ways you can get a n accurate reading:

1) Use a sports watch

The more expensive sports watches have thermometers built in, eg. the Garmin Fenix 5...

What Shoes Should I Use for Swimrunning

I get asked this a lot. There's no best answer, however a few tips and tricks might help you to make the best decision for your needs to help you start the amazing sport of swimrunning.

The review below is for several different types of shoe, having tried and tested all of them over the last couple o...

Zone 3 Versa Swimrun Westuit Revew

Kit Review of Zone 3 Versa Swimrun Wetsuit

The Zone 3 Versa swimrun wetsuit is an entry-level swimrun wetsuit at a very affordable price of £169.

Swimrun is a new sport and thus much of the kit is still 'new' and rather limited in terms of choice on the market.

Swimrun events take place in wilderness areas with very little in the way of rules and regulations, so too is the kit pretty much up to you to manage and master, often by experimentati...

Kit Review - Lomo Swim Tow

We've been asked recently for our opinion on which is the best swim towel for open water and sea swimming in particular, so we thought we would give a review of a tried and tested swim tow from Lomo.

There are two basic models from Loma for the swim tow float, which are the singular bladder or the dr...

Kit Review - Huub Archimedes II Wetsuit

Welcome to our first wetsuit review. In this blog we will be reviewing the well-known Huub Archimedes II triathlon wetsuit.

Brand: Huub
Model: Archimedes II
Price: £275 reduced from £500+ as part of end of year sale.

Sea swimming is a very cost effective way to get fit and enjoy the outdoors and you do not need all of the expensive kit as you might do in other watersports such as SCUBA diving or boating.

All you really need are the essentials:

Sea Swimming Westuit

Of course, if you are a hardcore swimmer you may n...