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Swim Cycling Tours in Pembrokeshire

Why not combine cycling and sea swimming? It's the perfect way to explore and enjoy the stunning Pembrokehire coastline!

We offer great swim-cycling routes all over southern Pembrokeshire, allowing you to get the best of both worlds:

Fantastic coastal scenery along quiet country lanes or even sections of coastal path; combined with open water swimming in some of the best sea swimming spots in the UK.

When you finish your swim you packup, get on your bike and head off to the next location!

Where Do You Cycle From?

This depends on a number of factors: weather, time restraints, fitness level and so on. Typically we will stay around South Pembrokeshire and take in 1, 2 or 3 swim sites, cycling between each of them and then looping back to where we started.

Swimming and cycling tours Pembrokeshire
Start your tour from Tenby and swim a lap of the IronMan route
Or, start in another location such as Freshwater East, and cycle back to your hotel in Tenby or Saundersfoot. The options are endless!

What Kit Do I Need?

  • A bike. Sorry, we don't hire them.
  • Bike gear and swim gear. A tri suit is an ideal under garment, see below for how to manage the wetsuit.
  • Some money or a cash card.
  • Some snacks as required.
  • A small backpack - by small we mean no more than 20 litre capacity, you don't want this flopping around on your back.
  • If you have a specialised bike pack, one that goes under the handlebars or on the bike frame/panniers, great.
  • Not much else!

Do I Cycle in My Wetsuit?

There are a few options...

  • Use a swimrun suit - they are perfect for swim-cycling!
  • Take a wetsuit in your backpack.
  • Wear a suit when you cycle - sounds crazy but it works. However the weather plays a big role in whether this is feasible. Too sunny and you roast.

We use a swimrun suit, which is perfect for swim cycling too as it's flexible and has a nylon outer which means it will not get cut when getting on/off your bike or when peddling.

If in doubt we would recommend rolling up your wetsuit and putting it in the backpack and changing at the swim locations. For this reason, we recommend using cycle kit you can just put the wetsuit over and swim in, eg. a Tri suit.

Swimming and biking tours in Pembrokeshire
A mountain bike is the perfect type of bike to see all of the coast Pembrokeshire has to offer

What Bike Should I Use?

Any bike is fine, we prefer a mountain bike as it is more robust and allows you to see more of the coastline as you can go off road/on dirt trails.  However a road bike is fine.


Contact Us

Feel free to contact us below for more information.