Swimming with Jellies

By Andrew Wallace

It's that time of year again....

The jellyfish are back like clockwork, putting in an appearance from early May and growing steadily in numbers, and size.

Recently at Freshwater East, for example, we have noticed increased numbers of barrel jellyfish and now moon jellyfish have also started to make an...

24.05.19 01:08 PM - Comment(s)

Barrel Jellyfish

By Andrew Wallace

Love them or hate them barrel jellyfish (rhizostoma octopus) are regular visitors to Pembrokeshire, sometimes in large numbers and are still around in September although not as many as in the summer months.

They are large, sometimes reaching up to 1m in diameter, and have a mass to them so if you swi...

06.09.17 01:40 PM - Comment(s)